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Alberta Lifts Market Cap

Now that Alberta has reached a whopping 527 stores, approximately half of all stores in Canada, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) has decided to remove the cap limiting companies to 37 stores.

In an email, AGLC announced that starting November 1, it will be removing the cap put in place by the previous government that set the maximum number of retail locations owned by a single company to 37, or 15% of the total number in the province. Now that the market is starting to settle in, AGLC believes it is stable enough to stand on its own, and so is moving to reduce some of the red tape.

The rules were originally put in place to give small businesses a better footing in the new market, however, now that two years have passed, the AGLC believes that removing these regulatory barriers will help promote a healthy retail trade with adequate competition and provide new business opportunities for Albertans.

Tags: AGLC (36), Alberta (18), Alberta cannabis (62), Cannabis Retail (413), capping store numbers (1)