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BC Cannabis Launches New Insights Report

BC Cannabis Wholesale is launching a new data report aimed at providing licensed producers (LPs) with additional insights into the retailers that are purchasing their products. The BC Cannabis Wholesale Customer Distribution Report will provide LPs the number of cases purchased by each retailer, by SKU, over a four-week period.

Purpose of the Report

The decision to launch this report follows feedback received by BC Cannabis Wholesale from LPs that want to receive further insights into which retailers are purchasing their products.

BC Cannabis Wholesale says the intention of the report is to provide LPs with data to help them better understand the distribution of their products across the province, understand the popularity of their products, and allow them to better support the retailers that are purchasing their products.

The report will include:

  • The business name and address of each retailer that purchased their products
  • The LDB SKU number and product name of each product purchased
  • The number of cases purchased by each retailer by SKU

Data released in the report is limited to purchasing data by retail stores for an LP’s own products. LPs will not receive data related to other LPs’ products, and the report will not include retailers’ counter sales or any other data related to retailers’ sales.

For questions about the report please email

Sampling Allowed in BC

It was recently announced that federally licensed cannabis producers can now promote their cannabis in BC by providing cannabis store licensees product samples for a nominal fee.

Under the new regulations, cannabis retail stores and product retail stores and their employees can accept samples from a federal license holder but are not allowed to supply cannabis samples to other cannabis licensees.

The LCRB says this change is a first step in helping federal license holders to promote cannabis with samples while meeting legislative requirements.

Tags: BC cannabis retail (25), BC cannabis store (28), BC Cannabis Stores (9), BC Liquor Distribution Branch (9), BCLDB (8), British Columbia cannabis (45), Licensed Producers (14)