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Canadians Loyal to Producer Brands

White label products and loyalty to a specific cannabis producer matter to over 40% of Canadians and almost 50% think cannabis stores should be open late according to October 2023 survey results from a survey Cannabis Retailer commissioned with Caddle Insights. Caddle surveyed 9,032 Canadians this month.

Cannabis Purchases in the Past 3 Months

Similar to prior months, 17% of respondents purchased cannabis in the past three months; 14% of females purchased cannabis versus 20% of males.

This month, Gen Z and millennials had the highest number of respondents that purchased cannabis in the past three months at 22% and 23% respectively. Greatest Gen and baby boomers had the lowest number of respondents at 7% and 11%.

Loyalty to Cannabis Producers

41% of respondents said they are loyal to a specific cannabis producer regardless of price. Brand loyalty was more important among males than females; 37% of females said they are loyal to cannabis producers compared to 43% of males.

Greatest Gen had the highest number of respondents loyal to a specific cannabis producer regardless of price at 59% followed by Gen Z at 49%. The other age groups were within close range of the overall average of 41%.

White Label Products

41% of respondents said it does matter to them if cannabis products are white labelled. Similar to brand loyalty this mattered more to men than women; 33% of females said it matters to them if cannabis products are white labelled compared to 45% of men.

White label products matter more to the younger than older generations. For instance, 42% of millennials and 53% of Gen Z said it matters to them if cannabis products are white labelled compared to 12% of the oldest generation.

Packaging Aesthetics

Cool branding and other factors were the top packaging aesthetics that influence cannabis purchasing decisions.

Bright colours were slightly more important to women (18.1%) while unusual shapes were less (6.2%) compared to the overall responses.

In comparison, bright colours were slightly less important to men (14.8%) while unusual shapes were more important (15.2%) compared to the overall responses.

Responses varied widely when broken down by age group but cool branding and bright colours were popular among all age groups as well as other packaging aesthetics.

Cool Branding Bright Colours Fun Graphics Unusual Shapes Other
Greatest Gen (1900-1945 0.0% 12.4% 0.0% 0.0% 87.6%
Baby Boomers (1946-1964) 13.9% 9.2% 7.0% 11.3% 58.5%
Gen X (1965-1980) 21.2% 13.6% 11.6% 9.9% 43.8%
Millennials (1981-1996) 23.4% 17.4% 16.8% 11.4% 31.1%
Gen Z (1997-2005) 22.0% 28.2% 13.8% 11.4% 21.8%

Cannabis Store Closing Hours

The majority of respondents at 47% believe their local cannabis shop should be allowed to stay open until 11:00 pm followed by 12:00 am (18.8%) and open 24 hours (11.10%).

It should be noted that store hours range across Canada. For instance stores are allowed stay open until 11:00 pm in British Columbia and Ontario, until 9:00 pm in New Brunswick, and until 2:00 am in Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Similar patterns in responses were seen when broken down by gender with greater variation when broken down by age group. But in general the majority of respondents think stores should be open until 11:00 pm or 12:00 am.

11:00 pm 12:00 am 1:00 am 2:00 am Other Open 24 Hours
Greatest Gen (1900-1945 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Baby Boomers (1946-1964) 41.5% 19.3% 1.8% 5.7% 24.5% 7.2%
Gen X (1965-1980) 58.5% 15.0% 3.7% 4.3% 8.3% 12.2%
Millennials (1981-1996) 47.4% 20.7% 9.0% 5.6% 6.5% 10.8%
Gen Z (1997-2005) 36.5% 20.4% 14.5% 5.9% 8.2% 14.4%
Tags: Boomers cannabis purchases (8), brand loyalty (2), cannabis consumption (31), consumer data (32), Gen Z (26), millennials (25), millennials cannabis consumer (14), white label consumer products (3)