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Saskatchewan Lowers Age to ID Patrons

Beginning June 5, 2023, all cannabis retail stores in Saskatchewan are no longer required to ask for proof of age on every retail transaction for in-store purchases and pickups. Prior to this change, stores were required to ask for proof of age on all transactions.

Retailers will still be required to check ID for anyone who looks to be under the age of 25, just like they need to do with liquor. Retailers doing deliveries of cannabis are still required to check ID regardless of age.

Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) plans to amend provincial regulations later this year to make the same age-related ID changes for deliveries as in-store purchases. SLGA also recently launched their Minors as Test Shoppers program to ensure retailers are checking ID of anyone who appears under 25.

Retailers Respond to Changes

In response to the ID verification changes, Jim Southam, President & CEO of Prairie Cannabis, says, “It may not seem like a big issue for a lot of people that don’t have to deal with it, but it was the number one complaint or issue in-store with customers. When you have to ID people who are clearly seniors or in their 40s or 50s, it is just frustrating. It is a very welcome change in the industry.”

Southam says the sense of relief among customers is noticeable. “They don’t have to worry about digging out their ID now. We can be more respectful and accommodating and serve them with some common sense and maturity.”

Personal and Corporate Information

SLGA announced additional changes including they will now only require personal and corporate disclosures for the applicant and any individuals, corporations, and other entities with an ownership stake of at least 10J% of overall ownership interest in the business.

Security Requirements

A separate secure camera viewing area is also no longer required. Prior to these changes, SLGA required applicants to have a recording and viewing system for the digital camera security system located in a secure location within the premises.

Retailers must use a camera with at least 15 frames per second versus the 30 frames per second originally specified. The camera must be able to be motion-activated outside of operating hours.

If the store has been the victim of theft or break in, the incident must be reported to SLGA by the end of the following business day. Previously, any losses, theft, or unusual waste or disappearance of cannabis had to be reported to police within 24 hours and to SLGA within 10 days.

Future Changes

Southam hopes the next step SLGA takes is changing the window visibility requirements. British Columbia recently repealed the requirement for cannabis store window coverings. “We are really going to push to get rid of that,” Southam explains. “It is just a huge security issue and perpetuates the stigma of cannabis in general, hiding it, and keeping it a secret.”

For more information on the regulatory changes in Saskatchewan, please refer to the updated Cannabis Regulatory Policy Manual.

Tags: Cannabis Regulations (104), Cannabis Retail (413), Saskatchewan cannabis retail (6), SLGA (8)