EMC Publications
EMC Publications has been publishing business magazines and digital media for the liquor and hotel industries for 22 years and has a solid reputation for providing high-quality editorial. We understand the business of selling a controlled substance due to our experience of working with liquor retailers, so we can translate that expertise into the cannabis industry.
We publish highly respected trade magazines and Buyers’ Guides for the Alliance of Beverage Licensees BC (ABLE BC), and the BC Hotel Association (BCHA). Our leading-edge editorial ensures our publications are well read by industry professionals.
The Quarterly Pour – ABLE BC’s magazine for private liquor stores, pubs and bars in BC.
InnFocus – BCHA’s publication reaching all hotels and resorts in BC.
We also sell digital ads on ABLE BC’s and the BCHA’s website and in each association’s newsletter.
Cannabis Retailer
This business magazine and website were launched in the spring of 2018, providing a resource for people interested in owning a licensed retail store.
Cannabis Retailer helps store owners set up and run a legal recreational cannabis business. As a new retail sector, store owners have a lot of questions about the industry and Cannabis Retailer is an important resource providing articles on topics ranging from human resources to operations and marketing.
We’re doing our part to help Canada set a worldwide standard for legal cannabis distribution.
Canadian Cannabis News
This bi-weekly newsletter includes current Canadian cannabis industry news and sales trends relevant to retailers.
Advisory Panel
Our advisory panel is comprised of licensed producers, industry consultants, cannabis retailers, and cannabis trade association executives.