Despite the legalization of cannabis, the number of Canadians using cannabis has not changed over the past year. 4.9 million or 16% of Canadians aged 15 and older have used cannabis in the past three months, which is unchanged from the same quarter in 2018 according to the National Cannabis Survey for Q2 2019.
Interestingly, Nova Scotians and Albertans consume over the national average.
Who is Buying?
Males are almost twice as likely as females to have consumed cannabis. Females also tend to get cannabis from family and friends rather than purchasing what they consume. 59% of females reported never having consumed cannabis vs. 51% of males, and females report less daily use of cannabis (4% vs. 8%). Only 12% of females reported consuming cannabis in the first half of 2019.
The number of Canadians aged 65 and older reporting cannabis use increased from 3% to 5% over the past quarter, while cannabis use among 15- to 64-year-olds was stable.
Medical or Recreational?
52% of males are more likely to use cannabis for non-medical reasons and of those people more than half use it exclusively for recreation.
What are they Buying?
77% of Canadians consumed dried cannabis, and for the majority of consumers it is the only product they consume, which is no surprise considering only flower and oil are legal right now. Despite the fact they are illegal, 26% consumed edibles, 20% used liquid concentrates, 19% used cannabis oil cartridges or vape pens, and 16% used hashish or kief.
Where are they Purchasing?
48% of consumers reported purchasing at least some of their cannabis from a legal source. Only 29% of all current users obtain their cannabis only from a legal source. 37% get their cannabis from friends or family, who may be sharing it with them.
Key Considerations for Buying
76% cited quality and safety as an important consideration when purchasing cannabis, while 42% considered price. Accessibility, location, and the availability of a preferred potency or formulation were also important. Females noted that sales support was another important buying factor, so the role of the budtender is more important to women.
Growth Projections
4% more males and females think they will use cannabis in the next three months compared to the number that are currently using it. Almost all of those people have consumed cannabis in the past.
See more statistics from the National Cannabis Survey Q2 2019.
Photo courtesy of Dimitri Bang.