The Federal government announced amendments to the Cannabis Regulations setting out rules for the legalization of cannabis edibles, concentrates, beverages, and topicals on October 17, 2019. However, government says Canadians will have to wait until December 2019 before any of these products can be sold.
Canadians are likely to see a limited selection of products gradually appear in-store and online no earlier than mid-December since licensed producers must notify Health Canada 60 days before any new product can be sold and they won’t be able to submit any of the new products prior to October 17.
Overview of Amended Cannabis Regulations
Edibles: There will be a limit of 10mg THC per package of edible cannabis. Food and cannabis production cannot take place in the same facility. No nicotine or alcohol can be added to cannabis edibles and a limit is being placed on caffeine.
Extracts: Certain ingredients that could “appeal to young persons” or “increase the appeal” of extracts such as sweeteners, colourants, caffeine, and alcohol are prohibited. There will be a limit of 10mg THC per capsule with the total amount in a package of cannabis extract capped at 1,000mg.
Topicals: There will be a limit of 1,000mg of THC in each package and producers are prohibited from making any claims about the health or cosmetic benefits on the topical label. Topicals can only be used on skin, hair, and nails.
For more information, visit the Health Canada website.
Photo courtesy of Alisa Anton.