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Manitoba Creates New License

The government of Manitoba has introduced a new category of license for delivery companies that deliver cannabis, says Justice Minister Cliff Cullen. On November 26, the province introduced legislation that would amend the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act and create a new license category that would make sure that delivery companies are not delivering cannabis to minors or intoxicated people.

This amendment would allow the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba (LGCA) to put down clear guidelines and requirements for third-party delivery companies, shifting the liability of keeping products out of young hands from the company with the initial license to the company that delivers the products. It also helps to clear up any lingering confusion about each regulated entity’s roles and responsibilities, making for a more transparent industry.

The new legislation also allows the LGCA to hire young people to be ‘minor agents’ and attempt to buy cannabis. These secret shoppers are common in the alcohol and tobacco industry and are a way for the LGCA to monitor licensees’ compliance with regulations.

“Our government is committed to protecting Manitobans,” says Cullen, “With continued growth in the delivery industry, particularly during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we want to make sure that liquor and cannabis products are delivered safely and responsibly.”

Tags: cannabis delivery (24), Cannabis Regulations (104), cannabis retail license (3), COVID-19 (45), LGCA (5), Manitoba (6), Manitoba cannabis retail (6)