BC’s Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch is now accepting applications from private retailers to sell non-medical cannabis when it becomes legal on October 17.
It has also provided guidelines and information to assist applicants and to clarify the process to receive a licence. BC government also said that forms for associates would be available on August 16.
As legalization draws near, BC has taken measures to provide answers to some frequently asked questions, such as the amount of non-medical cannabis that can be sold to an individual. The Cannabis Act prohibits the possession of more than 30 grams of dried cannabis in a public place, and recreational cannabis cannot be sold in a quantity greater than this. If different forms of cannabis are sold, such as oil, they must not exceed the equivalent amount of 30 grams.
If a retailer already has a liquor and/or a tobacco licence, they are not automatically allowed to sell recreational cannabis. They must submit an application and the store must be located separately from any liquor or tobacco sales.
The portal can be accessed here.